
Good afternoon guys

Ive now decided to keep a log of my weight loss for the next 6 weeks, and to be honest to push myself harder.

So how to start is easy but ive heard that sticking to it is hard. So this is day 1 and im recording my details as follows:

Age: 27
Weight: 217lb (15.5st)
Height: 5ft 7″
Shape: overweight
Time scale: 6 weeks

Target: slim down and tone up! Aim to lose at least 16lb’s or 1st.

Can I do it? Who knows but god dam im gonna try!

Signing out.

Keatan Jones


Lego Batman 1

Posted: October 4, 2012 in Films, Games, Movies

So time to review a new Lego game, well new to me.

Lego Batman is a game based on one of my childhood comic book heroes, mixed with the great twist of Lego.

This game is based on the comic books which means it brings heroes to life that most haven’t heard such as mothman, clay face, and many more. Like most Lego games multiplayer has been involved which 2 players enjoying the chance to play as good guys or bad guys.

With my review its getting hard to score Lego games as they are becoming to alike in playability. What I will say is this game is fresh look at getting a start of super heroes in a Lego game.

Lego batman points? 7 out of 10. I marked this down 3 points only because its nothing new but it is a long lasting game, filled with jokes, and entertaining level.

Next review Call of duty black op 2!!!


Lego Indiana Jones 2

Posted: September 5, 2012 in Films, Games, Movies

Hi all me again with another Lego review.

Lego Indiana Jones 2 has been in my house for maybe 2 weeks and the following to say.

A game that going into with reflection on other Lego games in mind is a mistake. This game brings a large number a negatives against the positive. Without writing a book on this I will just say ” If it’s not broken don’t fix it”

This Lego game gave high hopes of matching if not beating it’s previous counterpart, but in the end only shadowed it. The play was fun, and full of extras, such as build your own level. But is this enough? I say no.

100% complete after 2 weeks. I give this game 4/10

Worth playing but not worth getting excited over.

Thank you for reading next issue Lego Batman! Join me on Facebook – look for Keatan Jones


Lego star wars TCS

Posted: August 22, 2012 in Games, Movies

So Aug 2012 Lego star wars TCS completed 100% and I can say its got to be one of the best games ever made. Don’t get me wrong I know it’s a kids game but adults will live it just as much. Playability is huge in this gamey and there’s loads to do including building, breaking, and blowing up things. I’m sorry but I’m really gonna give this game 9/10 as this was such and great game and lasted me weeks.
